Good day, everyone on my buddy list! Enjoy your free penis!
Person 1: wtf
Person 1: ...thanks, I guess
Person 1: >_>
WMX: I felt like everyone needed a little more penis in their day today.
Person 1: is it a chocolate penis?
WMX: It is REDEEMABLE for a chocolate penis. One-for-one at your local peniseria.
Person 1: aww man
Person 1: Bozeman doesn't have a peniseria
Person 1: when does it expire?
WMX: Uhm... it's good for the rest of the year, I think.
WMX: Nope, read that wrong. All penises expire in 2012.
Person 1: oh good
Person 1: so I can get it at Christmas
WMX: Yep.
WMX: With the crazy holiday deals they do, you might be able to redeem it for TWO chocolate penises.
Person 1: or maybe an eggnog flavored one!
WMX: Or a chocolate one with eggnog in it.
Person 1: ooo
Person 1: or
Person 1: just maybe
Person 1: there will be leftover pumpkin pie ones from thanksgiving
WMX: Oh. I've actually GOT an apple pie one if you want that now. But I'm gonna need that penis back if you take it.
Person 1: nah, I hate apple pie
WMX: Well, then keep your penis until you can reach a penis dispensary where you can redeem it for the penis of your choice.
Person 1: I'll do that
Person 1: thanks
Person 1: :P
Person 2: wow! thanks, D! I've always wanted a free penis.
WMX: I felt like everyone needed a little more penis in their day today.
Person 2: good thinking. I sure did.
WMX: Well, I'm glad you enjoy your penis.
WMX: Bobby's holding onto his until he can redeem it for a chocolate penis.
Person 2: he says you have an apple pie one
Person 2: can I have that one?
Person 2: I LOVE apple pie
WMX: If I give it to you, I'm gonna need the first one back.
WMX: I'm not MADE of penis, you know.
Person 2: aww
Person 2: I can't have two?
WMX: Well, where would you put the first one while you're working on the second?
Person 2: hmm, good point. I guess I'm being greedy
Person 2: well, I like apple pie, so I'll trade you, then
WMX: I mean, maybe if you come around later I can slip you some extra penis under the table.
WMX: But for right now, I'll trade you up.
Person 2: sweet. maybe I'll come back later, too, then
Person 2: ^_^
Person 3: <-_-> mass messages, really?